Green smoothies have been around the internet for what seems like forever but I was a late arrival to the party. We finally got on board a few months ago and bought a powerful blender and stocked the fridge and freezer with all things green! Since blending I’ve found the condition of my skin, hair and nails have improved significantly. It’s an amazing way to start your day and can really cut food waste in the fridge. Anything looking a little soft or sad can be thrown right in!
You don’t have to limit yourself to only green fruit and vegetables either. Any light coloured fruit will blend in seamlessly. Peaches, Mango, Banana – never underestimate the power of a fully ripe banana in a smoothie! It’s the only thing I make sure to include every single time. I would highly recommend staying away from purple or red. I once thought my sad looking strawberries would be a great addition. Turns out my strawberries turned a perfectly green smoothie a nasty shade of brown. My husband and I didn’t even bother involving the kids with that one. I still shudder to this day thinking about it!
We’ve started including dried mint and ginger to our daily green smoothies to give them a fresh taste and added health benefits. Mint is a calming and soothing herb that has been used for years to help with upset stomach and indigestion. Ginger has been used for relieving digestive problems such as nausea and motion sickness. Litehouse has both covered in their Freeze Dried line of herbs. They’re found along side the other herbs at the grocery store and are a total money saver! I can’t begin to count the amount of money I’ve wasted buying fresh herbs only to use them once and then end up throwing the rest away. I also enjoy not having to wash and dry the herbs or peel and chop the ginger. Litehouse does it all for us!