The internet is full of tips and tricks to help you achieve fluffier scrambled eggs. Some say no milk, some say add sour cream, some even say to add baking powder to your eggs! Today, I’m going to tell you the real secret to the best eggs you’ll ever make. This scramble is pretty fluffy, but the magic comes from a secret ingredient.
The secret ingredient for the best scrambled eggs is…. ranch!
Only 1/4 cup of Litehouse Homestyle Ranch mixed in with your scrambled eggs adds a delicious flavor. The flavor of the ranch is subtle, but just right. It’s one of those secret ingredients that you don’t know what it is when you are eating it, but you want to find out the secret because it is so good. Some people take their recipes with secret ingredients very seriously and never tell a soul, but I’m letting you in on the secret today and telling you exactly how to make them!
Here are a few tips before you get started.
This recipe calls for 1 cup milk. You can use whatever milk you have on hand. If you have heavy cream and don’t mind the extra calories you can add 1/2 cup heavy cream and 1/2 cup milk. I don’t add any salt, pepper or other seasonings to the eggs before baking, do this right before serving!
I stir the eggs with a spatula after ten minutes of baking and then cook for 8-10 minutes more. If you’d like extra fluffy eggs, you can stir every few minutes, but the idea of cooking eggs in the oven is so you can make a lot of eggs at the same time with not a lot of work!
Were these the best eggs you’ve ever made?