Whether it’s because of the commercials, the party food, or the actual game, many look forward to the Super Bowl every year. I’m one of those people who watch the game for the commercials, but I am way more interested in the food being served. The football game is probably last on my priority list. (Don’t tell my boys! They are the type who would be yelling at the TV).
What is good football food? I usually think of good football food as cheesy, greasy, fried or grilled. I definitely like to splurge once in awhile like everyone else, but did you know a few ingredient swaps in your recipe could make it healthier without sacrificing the taste?
What are water chestnuts? I’ve only ever eaten water chestnuts in stir-fry and bacon-wrapped water chestnuts. Bacon-wrapped water chestnuts are one of my all time favorite appetizers. Despite the name, they are actually a vegetable that grows in water. They have fiber, vitamin B-16, and potassium and are low in fat!
Usually bacon-wrapped anything is something you would stay away from while watching what you eat, but there are two ways you can make these healthier: swap the bacon for turkey bacon and bake the chestnuts instead of frying.
The Litehouse Sesame Ginger dressing is the perfect marinade for this sweet and savory appetizer. Be sure to marinate overnight for full flavor!
What are you cooking up for the Super Bowl this year? Are you entertaining? Let us know in the comments!